Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another kind of valediction -- and a malediction on me.

Dear class,

Something has come up and I'm going to be absent from class a while. I took a fall on the tennis court and now I've got to have surgery to fix what I broke. I learned that I am not "like gold to airy thinness beat," at least under the sublunary circumstances of weekend sports, and so I endured not an expansion but a breach -- both knees, in fact. Mrs. Minor will join the class along with a substitute teacher tomorrow, so I think you'll have a very productive class. Please give my substitute any written work you haven't yet turned in, and on Wednesday your Valediction essays.

I'll continue to post blogs and stay in touch until I get back, other than Tuesday and maybe Wednesday, when I might not be able.

Au revoir,


Unknown said...

I'm sorry about your injury, Mr. Duncan. I wish you a speedy recovery! I had a question about the Hamlet revision. Since I was planning on turning that in tomorrow, should I just email it to you? Thanks and feel better soon.

Alexander Fine said...

I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope your surgery goes well, and you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

If your accident happened on Westivew's tennis courts then I feel your pain (well not exactly since I haven't ever busted my knees).

those courts are completely dangerous.

Sam Engle said...

Wow, knee surgery is never fun. Best of luck on a speedy recovery.

M Cornea said...

Hope you feel better soon, Mr. Duncan.

David Kim said...

Uh... I sure hope that no one's directing a malediction at you for this, J.D.

thanh n said...

Aw gee Mr. Duncan, I hope you feel better soon. No need to think about what they do during knee surgeries, like make an incision into the knee area and drill a hole into the patella and do whatever they like to do. You just relax, we'll take good care of your desk and room, and fortunately we'll see you soon :]

jackson.pugh said...

Ah thnguyen, that drilling to the knee sounds so comforting to hear!! xDD
To the point: get well soon, J.D.

JD said...

Thanh, how do you know so much about knee surgery? You speak of incisions and drills with such relish, too, that I'm starting to wonder about that smile of yours: is it really as benign as it seems?

Perhaps I know not "seems", mademoiselle?

Hari Raghavan said...

I'm sorry to hear about your injury! I hope the surgery goes well, and I hope you enjoy this time away from us. We can be a handful.

Shea M said...

Hope your surgery goes well and you feel better! :]

Michelle said...

I'm sorry about your injury! I hope you have a successful and relatively painless surgery. Get well soon!

Mo said...

Alas, better late then never...

I hope that your surgery went well and I wish you a speedy recovery! Good luck and take it easy, my mom blew her knee last year and if you take it easy now you will be so much better in the long run.


Matthew Putnam said...

Well, I've never broken a bone or been dealt a blow serious enough to require stitches, and I've never undergone surgery unless you count having teeth pulled surgery. However, I would imagine that the best medicine is to maintain good humor and high spirits as you mend. Enjoy your time recovering. Read some books, and then maybe pull a Scott and watch some movies to compare them to. That's what I would do if I were injured and stuck home.