Thursday, December 11, 2008

Send in those thesis statements -- Our operators are standing by!

Time ran out this morning before I thought to ask for your thesis statements, but a few people came forward with them. I want to see yours this weekend so that I can help you avoid any obvious problems. Send them to me at:

As far as your soliloquies go, I have three volunteers to start after Monday's Hamlet "objective" test: Grace, David, and Albert (aka Alexander). Remember to write up a brief but complete analysis of your chosen speech to turn in. What is your subject saying? How does he word and phrase it to make it powerful and memorable? If you give it some thought, you will speak your speech as Shakespeare meant it to be, "trippingly on the tongue", not merely mouthed as so many players do.

One more note for you: if you wish to have a copy of a good and penetrating essay on the play, Roopa will be making copies during 4th period and leaving them in the top tray of the double-decker wooden hopper on my desk in lower north. Michael, you have the essay (by a man named Kettle) in your edition of Hamlet. All others -- get 'em while they're hot!


M Cornea said...

Not sure if this belongs here, but I as well would love to perform my soliloquy on Monday.

JD said...

Thanks, Michael -- you're number four on the list.

Grace C said...

Foiled again! I think someone up there does not want me performing my soliloquy. School's cancelled on Monday.

Unknown said...

I'd like to perform my soliloquoy whenever we next have class... who knows when that will be, though.

Roopa Sriram said...

No school! Wuh hoo! Looks like we're going to have to wait a while to perform our soliloquies!

JD said...

These soliloquies are going to be fabulous! Especially with this lineup to kick things off.
The only question is: will we hear them this year or next year?
Perhaps another question can provide the answer: Does one of the soliloquies contain the expression "auld lang syne"?

Roopa Sriram said...

STILL NO SCHOOL!!! Wuh hoo!!!

Unknown said...

We might have school tomorrow, since the snow and ice seemed to be melting a lot today. You know what that means... soliloquy time!