Saturday, March 6, 2010

On This Glorious Day...

Today is a day to remember. Today is a day all peoples should mark on their calenders. A day everyone should look forward to year-round. A day to count down to by making one of those paper chains where each link represents a day, and as you cut one link off every day, your excitement grows as the chain gets shorter and shorter. Would you like to know why? Do I really have to tell you why on this magnificent, wonderful, joyous day you should celebrate? Isn't it obvious? On this day, exactly 19 years ago, President Bush Sr. declared the end of the Gulf War, saying "Aggression is defeated. This war is over."

Indeed, the ending of any conflict is cause to celebrate. Let the revelries commence! I call upon all who read this to feast and be merry. As if that wasn't enough, Ghana celebrates their independence from Britain on this date! So three cheers for Ghana! Three cheers for the end of the Gulf War! That's six cheers (for those of you keeping score at home) for March 6th!

1 comment:

JD said...

Matt, it's good to see you've got the old spirit of irony going after 9 or so grueling months of college. Thanks to you I was reminded of Ghanaian independence and the great Kwame Nkrumah who (before he was deposed) coined the phrase: "Neo-Colonialism—the new Imperialism."
Makes your heart swell with pride, don't it?