Friday, August 28, 2009


Hello old friends! Long time no post yea? I wonder if anyone else comes onto this blog anymore, probably one of the reasons why I'm coming on and saying, heeelllllooooo.

How's everyone doing though? Is your summer coming along well? Getting ready for a whole new year? I bet.. yea, just saying hello, dang, just writing in here makes me feel all emotional. I miss our long blog posts. haha, our class had the longest blog post in all of the classes. We had insane ones. I loved it when people came on at 6 in the morning just to post a blog. I loved it when people would make insightful movie comments, or music relations with the book. It was my escape from school. I'll probably reread some of the things that we all wrote before. I don't think I've ever actually read every single post on here. I'll learn a lot :] Yea, everyone is going to do amazing this year, wherever you're heading off to. I'll talk to everyone later.


jackson.pugh said...

Knowing our class we'll post right before the deadline... assuming it has one :D

David Kim said...
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David Kim said...

I wonder what will happen to everything here as the new year comes in... Hopefully it all gets archived somewhere, instead of just getting deleted for convenience's sake.

jackson.pugh said...

"Jackson—We are updating the blog and continuing it. I think it was an important part of the class last year and it seems you think so, too." -J.D.

M Cornea said...


I'm in Seattle. It's pretty nice.

thanh n said...

Jackson! David! Michael! At least there are people that come on once in awhile :] How's things in Seattle Michael? I heard that you were going to UW? Isn't there a swine flu outbreak there? You're probably immune to it with your Romanian genes ;]

Getting ready for next year David? Finally having the ability to tower over the underclassmens? hahaha not that you've never done that, seeing that you always were in the high end classes. Goodness, you'll be so ready for college after this year since AP Calc you were getting senioritis then :]

hahaha and our class still hasn't responded yet. The deadline is probably forever, so they'll probably never post a comment.

M Cornea said...

In fact, I think I did get the swine flu, but I lived. Either that or a really bad cold.

JD said...

Glad you guys are doing well. Sorry about your cold, Michael, but that's life in the old Pacific Northwest.
By the way, thanks for the great gypsy album. I'd never heard Taraf de Haïdouks before, or heard of them either. Fantastic stuff!

Matthew Putnam said...

Well well well, what have we here? You know, Michael and I had planned on posting a new blog entry at the end of summer, but Michael ended up falling asleep and, seeing as it was summer, I was feeling very lazy. I'm still going to accuse you of stealing our idea though Thanh. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I told you about how Michael and I wanted to write a new blog entry. So you really did steal our idea!! That's just ridiculous.

I think this may be the most unusual time I have ever been on the blog. 10:30 on a Friday night. If this were an assignment I would of course wait until at least Saturday night to check the blog. And, unless it was Hamlet or a particularly interesting poem or C&P entry, I wouldn't get around to answering until Sunday evening. Ah, how I look back fondly on those days. At the time, senior year seemed just like any other year, more or less. However, in retrospect, our final year of high school (or in some cases, penultimate year) was pretty great. At least mine was. Thanks in no small part to the awesome group of people that made up our AP Literature class.

What is it about English classes that brings people together? I remember having a similar experience junior year in AP Language. That class was similarly great; just ask Thanh or the infamous Dr. Alexander Fine, or Michelle, or Hari, or Hayden (not really, it was Addison, but they look the same, so let's just pretend, for the sake of adding another name to my list, that it was Hayden). Sorry if I forgot someone who was in AP Lang and Lit with me, I think that was everyone though. What point was I trying to make? Oh yeah, English class. It's so great when a group of intelligent individuals can come together and discuss literature, especially when it's discussed in so many contexts like we did in our class.

Scott and his movie-to-book comparisons and knowledge of mylar balloons. The corner crew always having their own mini-conversations. You know who I'm talking about. Those fellows sitting in the far corner of the room. We won't mention names. Then there was Roopa and Hannah and Shea and Brianna and everyone else over by the window. Dang, their crazy Harry Potter/MacBeth parody film was awesome. I'd like to get that up on YouTube. Aditya and Michael with their...yeah, I don't even know how to describe those two, hahaha. Michael, maybe you can tell me how you describe yourself. Lisa and Hari and Michelle might be able to describe Michaels antics; they were sitting closer to him than I was. Then over near the door were Scott and myself. I already mentioned Scott, and, well, if I were to describe myself, heh, I would be accused of having a massive ego, which is not at all true. It's just the facts. But if someone else wants to describe me and my contributions to the class, and indeed, to the entire school, go right ahead, haha. Nearby you could find Chelsea and Austin, two of the more soft-spoken members of our class. Thanh of course, with her raucous laughter which erupted sporadically throughout class, often at the most random of times. I know I'm forgetting people, and that kind of sucks. I'm sorry people I'm forgetting! Oh, Hayden! There's one. How could I forget him? I even mentioned him in one of my asides. Well, my point is, we were such a varied and diverse group of people, and each of us brought something different to discussions, and that was sooo so cool.

If you read this entire post, good for you. I've been prattling on and on about what all of already know; that our class was awesome. Why? Because, true to form, I have to have the longest post. It's like a calling card. Matt writes big long blog entries that only get read all the way through by my die-hard fans. So, to you who have read this far without skimming, skipping, or otherwise cutting corners while reading my posts, I thank you.

Matthew Putnam said...

Dang, I don't want to end this post. I feel like I could just keep writing and writing all night. What would I write about you may ask? I don't know. I think maybe I would reminisce about memorable moments in class, perhaps share a poem or two and try and get some discussion going, or just write about random events from the summer and college so far. I might share some fact about myself, like how I tried my first scone a few weeks ago and I have had one as part of my breakfast almost every single day since then. Yeah, they're that delicious. But, for the sake of you people reading this, I'll stop. I wouldn't want to wear you out with too long of a post.

Looks like I wrote too much. I exceeded the maximum post size, haha, and had to post this last paragraph separate.

Matthew Putnam said...

Okay, so, since I don't have anything better to do, I'm going to write some more. I find I really enjoy writing random stuff out that doesn't really relate to anything. It kind of helps with stuff. I'm going to tell you about some things I learned today.

Thinking decreases happiness. It also helps to alleviate sadness. The act of thinking is a moderator of emotion. So when you see someone who is really happy and having a great day, please don't ask them why. That's going to make them stop, and think, and when they happens, their mood sinks. At least, that's what psychology says.

I want to talk more about psychology, but this is an English blog! Hmm, actually. I feel like I'm taking up all the space. I'll just shuffle ashamedly towards the exit...